Whether you are building a new home or need to replace an existing system, it is very important that you check out your options and see what works best for you. James Backhoe Service will provide you the knowledge you need to help you make that very important decision so that you will have a reliable system that will last you many years. The two types of wastewater treatment systems are sandfilters and aeration systems.
James Backhoe Service offers many options when it comes to installing a septic system. Due to recent changes in regulations and the sewage code, installing a septic system has become much more complex. There are no longer one size fits all systems, and each system will need to be designed on a site by site basis. Give us a call at (217)-925-5132, and we can schedule a site evaluation in which we will evaluate the property, determine which system design will work best, and give you a price quote in writing. With our 25 years experience, you can be assured that we will design and install the best septic system option available for your property.
Below are the types of systems at our disposal to install. Surface discharging systems are systems that discharge effluent above the ground surface. Subsurface discharging systems are systems that discharge effluent into a secondary treatment system below the surface.
Hydro-Action Aerobic System
Aeration system that produces high quality clear, odorless effluent that can be surface discharged as long as the effluent will not enter the Waters of the United States (Rivers, Lakes, Streams, Creeks, Tributaries), and the discharge point must be at least 25 feet away from the property line.Hydro-Action NPDES Aerobic System
Specially designed Hydro-Action aerobic system that with a USEPA NPDES permit can surface discharge into the Waters of the United States (Rivers, Streams, Lakes, Creeks, & Tributaries).
A completely subsurface system that includes a septic tank discharging into a leach field. This type of system requires a soil evaluation to determine the size and feasibility of the leach field. The leach field must maintain a separation distance of 2 to 3 feet from the season high water table.Hydro-Action Aerobic System Into 2/3rd Size Lateral Field
Also a completely subsurface system that includes a Hydro-Action aeration system discharging into a leach field. This type of system requires a soil evaluation to determine the size and feasibility of the leach field. The leach field only needs a separation distance of 1 foot from the seasonal high water table with an aerobic treatment unit in front of it.Hydro-Action Aerobic System Into A Low Pressure Dosing Lateral Field
A Hydro-Action aeration system which discharges into a pump tank. From the pump tank, a submersible effluent pump pressurizes the effluent and pumps it to a lateral leaching field. This too requires a soil evaluation to determine leach field size and feasibility and must maintain a 1 foot separation from the high water table. These are normally installed when the gravity flow systems above are not possible.Hydro-Action Aerobic System Into A Raised Filter Bed
This system includes a Hydro-Action aeration system which discharges into a pump tank. From the pump tank, a submersible effluent pump pressurizes the effluent and pumps it to a raised filter bed. A raised filter bed is essentially a leaching field built above ground, also known as a mound system. This system will be used on sites where the soil evaluation shows that the seasonal high water table is too high for the systems above to maintain the required separation distance.